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Traditions and Expectations

The Riovanni Clan has underwent many changes as leadership shifted, however with Ancients Martinus and Amy taking the helm as before alongside Nefertari Riovanni, the rules of the clan have shifted into a much more lax and family-orientated atmosphere.   However, the three do take their name seriously and any shame or dishonor willingly brought upon their name is not tolerated.   Below are laws and common expectations each Riovanni is held to.


Clan Laws

All those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary must conduct themselves in an honorable way fitting of their position.   They will not make war with any one or group without just cause.


All those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary will respect and tream one another as family.   Any conflict between two Childer must be mediated by the Sires or an Elder.


All those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary will covet the name above all others.   You may not bare the name while claiming allegiance elsewhere.


All those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary will not kill or harm another of the name unless specified by the clan Elder or an Ancient as maked by the Blood Hunt.


All those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary will not steal the blood of an Elder kin.


All those baring the name Riovanni will be allowed to gift another with the Blood.    No permission is required but one must make every effort to learn from their Sire the duties of such.


The Sire is responsible for the Childe while the Change is occurring.   Any laws broken by the Childe during the Change will be answered for by the Sire and Childe.


The Sire is responsible for guiding the Childe through the Change as well as teaching them our ways.   


One shall never Sire the Childe of another without first gaining permission from the Elder or an Ancient.​


Those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary are free to absolve their their name, titles, and blood for any reason.   The Sire may make reasonable efforts to retain the Childe as long as they are not oppressive or violent.  A Riovanni will not hold responsible the family who takes their Childe from their blood either lest it be of forceful Siring.


No Sire shall ever forcefully Change another without consent

Clan Action

Those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary are extended the protection of the Family.   Those who willingly seek to harm any family member is seen as an enemy of the family and will be treated as such.


Those baring the name Riovanni be it of blood or honorary will observe restraint when using violence as means to dispute.   One should seek the guidance of their Sire or Elder first before comitting acts of violence lest to defend yourself from harm.​


Any group which bares name or sigil found seeking to do harm to the Family will be treated as hostile..​


Any official declaration of War must be consulted with the Ancients of the Clan and the Elder.   A majority vote must be made before such is made.   All members affiliated with said group are to be treated as an enemy seeking to do harm against you and your kin - destroy them utterly.


Compensation sought due to damages made against the Clan, it's name, it's holdings, it's honor, or any other claim must be sought through the Ancients or Elder.


Blood Hunts must be approved by both Ancients.


All property or persons seeking to bare affiliation must be approved by the Elder or Ancient.

Family   History   Holdings   Laws

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