The Kindred
Inhuman Speed
Vampire. Vampyre. Vympir.
They have been named many things in the centuries their existence has been known to man. They are creatures of the night, unable to feel the kiss of the warm sun upon their dead flesh. They are cursed, or blessed depending on whom you ask to sustain themselves off the blood of mortals. Normally a vampire must feed every night to live without adverse effect. They're incredible creatures boasting a wide array of skill and talent. All boast enhanced strength and senses, as well as immortality.
Enhanced Strength
Shadow Adept
Mental Domination

Fire Weakness
Vampire. Vampyre. Vympir.
They have been named many things in the centuries their existence has been known to man. They are creatures of the night, unable to feel the kiss of the warm sun upon their dead flesh. They are cursed, or blessed depending on whom you ask to sustain themselves off the blood of mortals. Normally a vampire must feed every night to live without adverse effect. They're incredible creatures boasting a wide array of skill and talent. All boast enhanced strength and senses, as well as immortality.

Much has been chronicled through the annals of history regarding the Vampire, however historians governing this information are mostly mortals and their information is gathered on the accounts of unstable survivors, rumors, or plain falsehood. There are some societies dedicated to feeding historians misinformation in order to assist with the preservation of the Vampiric race. Repulsion by garlic, for example or crossing water.
Vampires that share the same blood are considered family, or in their terms, are a "clan". Many clans consist of an Elder, their Childrer, their Childer's Childer so on and forth, alongside various human pets called "Blood Dolls" to provide nourishment without needing to expose themselves in a hunt. The Originals and the Ancients are long believed to be dead, however recent accounts speak of several Ancients walking the realm at large.
Vampires and their infighting have left the once beautiful landscape of Rhy'din in utter ruin. Their territorial nature often leads to land disputes in which mortal lives are bargained like cattle unknowingly waiting for their slaughter.

Vampires are immortal creatures who require the sustenance of blood in order to survive, however blood makes them eternal as long as they continue to consume. They are seen as undead and unholy creatures of the night due to their aberration of the sun. Vampires are often congregated in groups called “Clans” in which bloodlines are passed down from “Childe” to“Childe” through a process called “Siring”. Vampires have close connections with blood. They require it to feed, and also their own is the source of their power. Clans often have certain specifics in their blood, handed down from generation to generation, however the further down the line you are, the less potent the blood is and furthers themselves to these incredible abilities.
Vampires have superhuman speed. To the normal eye, they are but blurs. Their flesh heals at inorganic rates as well unless marred by sunlight, fire, or holy implements.
Historical connections to the Vampiric Weaknesses:
Vampiric lore is linked to biblical legends.
Sunlight being the curse,
Holy being the essence of God, and
Fire being the cleansing in which all vampires will eventually be purged.
Vampires are very weak to Fire and sustain 300% normal damage when exposed to such.
Vampires are weak to Holy/Light and sustain 200% normal damage when exposed to such.
Vampires cannot allow themselves to touch sunlight. Doing so burns their flesh if it were kindling held to flame. 25HP damage per round.
Cannot digest normal food. A vampire doing so will become violently ill within seconds after consumption.
Cannot drink Angel blood. At the very least, it will be refused by the body, resulting in days of violent illness. At the most severe of instances, Angel blood can burn a vampire from the inside until Final Death.
The Hunger - Vampires must feed from Mortal blood every 24-72 hours depending on Generation.
The Beast - The longer a Vampire goes without feeding, the more and more it risks becoming feral. Some Vampire clans dance closer to this line than others naturally, however Vampires, no matter how much they appear sophisticated, are predatory by nature.
Notable Vampire Attributes
Despite the Curse, Vampires are gifted with awesome powers in return to aid them in their new unlife.
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Regeneration
Superior Speed
Magically Adept (Shadow and Blood)
Mind Control
Vampires multiply by means of Siring. The act is almost ritualistic to some Clans while simple to others. The one to be Sired will be relieved of his/her blood, and then offered to drink of a Vampire’s blood. The Vampire’s blood is instantly seen by the body as the dominate and the process of the host body changing is almost immediately.
Becoming a Vampire and the time it takes for full completion varies on multiple factors, however, the average is between 4 to 48 hours. Mortals experience the longest time to change, as their mortal coil must be shed.
A mortal becoming a Vampire is a traumatic experience. You feel your body dying and yet you persist. Your senses are magnified and your body struggles to adapt. Your body also goes through physiological changes as well. Incisors eventually hone into fangs, the flesh becomes harder and more resilient, eye color often changes darker to adjust.
Most notable is the Hunger and the Beast.
The Hunger:
At first, the hunger, if not explained, is confusing. A mortal will opt for normal things food and drink. The new Vampire violent rejects these and the Vampire is left ignorant as to how to quell their hunger which grows ravenous minute by minute.
The Beast
Every creature holds The Beast. It is the ID on a psychological level. The id is the impulsive and unconscious part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to basic urges, needs, and desires. The Beast, however, is the savage and violent nature that becomes us all when these primal desires are not met. It is our link with animals. When a Vampire’s hunger reaches levels it can no longer contain, the Vampire can frenzy into a murderous bloodlust until satiation occurs. However, feeding often is not enough at this level, and violence as well as gorging often is the result.
Natural Procreation
VERY rare. Some clans cannot have children, this can be determined by the clan Leader for whatever reason. Vampires' offspring can be Vampire, the mate's race, but NOT mortal. Cannot procreate with: Angels - Holy based.
Disciplines and Traditions
The Discipline known as Auspex involves enhancing already superhuman senses. Such sensory command gives the vampire a distinct advantage over mortals and even many supernaturals. Vampires can hear minute sounds from miles away, and are in tune with their own body so much, they can stave off many physical and mental maladies internally.
Tree Details:
Increases Perception and Willpower
Total Awareness allows the re-roll of a failed willpower or perception check.
Some vampires can use Celerity to move with amazing swiftness. Mortals, and even Kindred lacking this Discipline, move as if in slow motion compared to the astonishing blur the vampire becomes.
Tree Details:
Increases Reflex
Grants user the ability to steal
Vampiric Dodge allows the user to evade attacks using it's unmatched speed.
Paragon of motion elevates physical attack die to 3d
Overwhelm another person's mind with the vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act according to the vampire's decree. Advanced users can extend the duration of their grip or even command multiple targets.
Tree Details:
Grants the user the ability to attempt to seize the mind and actions of another.
Chain the Mind allows you to attempt to control two minds at once.
Strings of the marionette delays the rate of Willpower decay, making your control much harder to break.
It is through Fortitude that the legends of Vampire's Resilience is derived. Practitioners of this Discipline boast incredible durability in battle, some legends speak of vampires who can even resist the kiss of the sun.
Tree Details:
Grants user additional defense
Holy Conditioning allows the user to resist the devastating effects of holy magics.
Daywalker There are indeed those who walk in the sun. They are the daywalkers.
Blood is the central focus of all Kindred. Some have blood so potent, they can impart their experiences on those they sire. Others are so profound, they cause deep loyalty and affection to those whom imbibe upon them.
Tree Details:
Gives a portion of your skills to all of your Childer through blood.
Enables you to create Thralls which will serve you unquestionably.
Feast Macabre enables you to feed off your victims and restore your own health.
Allows vampires to conceal themselves, deceive the mind of others, or make them ignore what the user does not want to be seen. An obvious choice for those practicing darker ambitions.
Tree Details:
Grants additional stealth damage
Reduces enemy's perception of you.
Mask of a Thousand Faces Uses shadows to mask your face so that even if you are caught, your enemies will never know it was you.
Said to further damn the practitioner, magic controlling shadows seems to remove oneself further away from God. Users of the darkness can create objects and wield the umbra as potent weapons in battle.
Tree Details:
Can utilize Darkness as a weapon.
Shadow Clones makes mirror images of yourself which attack and confuse your enemies.
Arms of the Void sprouts large shadow tendrils which lash out at your foes.
Become the ultimate Shadow Magi with The Void Aspirant and increase your shadow magic die to 3d.
Vampires endowed with this Discipline possess preternatural strength. Potence enables vampires to leap tremendous distances, lift massive weights and strike opponents with terrifying force.
Tree Details:
Increases Physical Damage
Become immovable with Stone-Walled and enjoy immunity to Knockdown and Stun.
Exploit enemies when they are weak and deal additional damage to them with Execute.
Become the Paragon of Strength and smash your enemies with 3d physical die.
This is the Discipline of supernatural attraction. Kindred who develop Presence can inspire zealous fervor, devoted passion or unspeakable terror in mortal and immortal alike.
Tree Details:
Increases damage and defenses of your allies and yourself.
Possess total control over how others perceive you with Vision of Discord and use both auras at once.
The visceral art of Protean allows vampires to tap into their Beast. They can manipulate their body's shape and even tap into bouts of rage to supplement their strength.
Tree Details:
Allows the practitioner to alter the physical shape of it's body to increase both offensive and defensive capabilities.
Give yourself completely to rage with Shape of the Beast. When enemies reduce your Hit Points to 0 you still go on until your time is done.
Of all the surviving disciplines Vampires have at their command none more infamous and feared than Thaumaturgy. This practice employs the use of powerful blood magic, able to swiftly mend and rip flesh alike. The events of Year Zero saw the darkest potential of this and was quickly banned from use in the aftermath. Yet there are some tempted by the lure of power that are willing to sacrifice all for a taste of such power.
Tree Details:
Skills often cost your own hit points to use.
Command the powers of dark-aligned healing.
Singe the insides of your enemies with Blood Boil.

Clan Riovanni
Leader: Nefertari Riovanni
(With the Blessing of the Ancients, Martinus and Amy)
Status: Recruiting
Website: click here